Smudge Stick - Dream Sage 10cm
Smudge Stick - Dream Sage 10cm
Utilize smudge sticks for purifying one's aura, such as before meditation or prayer, or commonly used by body workers and therapists prior to treatments. Smudging has a longstanding history of connecting to the spiritual realm or enhancing intuition. Burning sage or smudge can elevate one's mood and serve as a powerful stress reliever. The practice of burning smudging is straightforward - a seashell or ceramic, clay, or glass bowl can hold the burning sage or catch the ash. Optional tools like a feather or fan can be used for fanning the smoke. White sage, for example, is known for banishing negative influences when burned. This process releases a sharp, spicy aroma. It is more potent than its counterpart, Palo Santo, though sage is the preferred choice. The original Latin name for this powerful plant is Salvia Apiana, and it grows 100% naturally. Our trusted dropshipping supplier of Ancient Wisdom offers both smudges and loose sage leaves, ensuring the highest