Smudge Stick - White Sage 22.5 cm
Smudge Stick - White Sage 22.5 cm
White Sage Smudge Sticks have long been used to purify the aura before spiritual practices such as meditation or prayer, as well as by therapists and bodyworkers before treatments. The burning of sage and smudge can also enhance intuition and improve mood, making it a useful tool against stress. To practice, simply use a seashell, ceramic or glass bowl to hold the burning sage and a feather or fan to fan the smoke. Burning white sage releases a sharp, invigorating scent and is said to rid negative influences. Our white sage, Salvia Apiana, grows completely naturally and is of the highest quality. Sourced from trusted dropshipping suppliers, the leaves are dried and sealed before making the journey to Europe to ensure they are mould-free and in perfect condition upon arrival. Relax with high-quality white sage at an unbeatable price.