Smudge Stick - White Sage & Peppermint 10cm
Smudge Stick - White Sage & Peppermint 10cm
Smudge sticks are commonly used for purifying the aura, such as before meditation or prayer, and are often used by body workers and therapists prior to treatments. The practice of burning smudging is straightforward - a seashell, bowl, or dish can hold the burning sage or capture ash, while a feather or fan can be used to fan the smoke. White sage is known for its ability to eliminate negative influences through burning. Its strong and spicy aroma sets it apart from its counterpart, Palo Santo. The original Latin name for this power plant is Salvia Apiana and it grows naturally. Dropshipping suppliers of Ancient Wisdom have smudge sticks and loose sage leaves of the highest quality. Before packing, the leaves are dried and sealed to ensure their quality during transportation to Europe. Rest assured, our white sage is mold-free and comes at a reasonable price, leaving you feeling relaxed.